
Dog Dry Gagging

Dog dry gagging, often confused with coughing or vomiting, is a concerning behavior that many pet owners witness. It’s characterized […]

Dog Coughing Treatment

Canine coughing is a common symptom that can arise from various underlying issues and warrants close attention from dog owners.

Dog Afraid to Go Down Stairs

Many dog owners have faced the puzzling situation where their four-legged companion is hesitant or outright refuses to navigate stairs.

Dog AA Luxation

Atlantoaxial luxation, often referred to as AA luxation, is a spinal disorder characterized by excessive movement at the junction between

Old Dog Behavior Before Death

Old dogs often exhibit distinct behavioral changes as they approach the end of their life. These changes can be subtle

Dog Yawning When I Pet Him

Dog owners frequently observe their pets yawning in various situations, but it’s particularly common when they are being petted. This

Dog Upset Stomach 

Dogs occasionally experience digestive discomfort, manifesting as an upset stomach. This common ailment can be the result of various factors,

Dog Respiratory Rate

Monitoring a dog’s respiratory rate is an important aspect of assessing their overall health. The typical respiratory rate for dogs,

Dog Missing Patch of Fur

When a dog is missing a patch of fur, it can be an indicator of various underlying health issues or

Dog Jaw Spasm

Dog jaw spasms, characterized by a rapid and involuntary clenching of the jaw muscles, are a phenomenon that can concern

Dog Getting Eye Boogers

Dog owners often notice their pets experiencing a common issue: the formation of eye discharge commonly referred to as “eye

Dog Eating Grass and Vomiting

When observing canine behavior, a common puzzlement among pet owners is why dogs eat grass. This habit can often lead